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Inves­ti­ga­tion by Paxton’s Med­ic­aid Fraud Con­trol Unit Leads to 17-Year Prison Sen­tence for Fraud­ster Phar­ma­cist and $4 Mil­lion in Resti­tu­tion for Opi­oid Diver­sion Scheme

Obute conspired in an opioid drug diversion scheme with Dr. Shivarajpur Ravi, who operated a pain management clinic. “Crew leaders” and gang associates brought patients to Ravi’s clinic for pain management prescriptions. For each patient brought in, the crew leaders paid the clinic $420. In exchange, Dr. Ravi issued prescriptions for opioid pain medications to Obute, who allowed crew leaders to collect the prescriptions for sale on the streets.


Action Details

  • Date:April 20, 2023
  • Agency:Texas Attorney General
  • Enforcement Types:
    • State Enforcement Agencies