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Ryan White Title I Funds Claimed by a Contractor of the Miami-Dade Eligible Metropolitan Area During the Fiscal Year Ended February 28, 2002

Issued on  | Posted on  | Report number: A-04-03-01001

Report Materials


The objective of this audit was to determine if the Miami-Dade Eligible Metropolitan Area, managed by the Miami-Dade County Office of Management and Budget's (Budget Office), ensured that its contractor, Minorities Overcoming the Virus through Education and Spirituality, Inc. (MOVERS), provided the expected program services and followed Federal requirements for charging costs.  We found that the Budget Office did not ensure that MOVERS provided the expected level of services to CARE Act Title I eligible clients.  In addition, MOVERS did not follow Federal requirements in charging costs to the program.  As a result, the Budget Office reimbursed MOVERS $1,505,505 with little assurance that services were provided, as reported, to the HIV community, and that the reimbursement was based on allowable costs.  We recommended that the Budget Office improve its program and fiscal monitoring systems, conduct an in-depth review of MOVERS' billed services, and work with MOVERS to determine and review its actual costs for FY 2001.  Both the Budget Office and MOVERS concurred with our findings and recommendations and both are taking corrective actions to improve their CARE Act Title I programs.
