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Southwest Key Programs Did Not Always Comply With Health and Safety Requirements For The Unaccompanied Alien Children Program

Issued on  | Posted on  | Report number: A-06-17-07005

The Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) program, which is overseen by HHS's Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), served between 7,000 and 8,000 children annually from fiscal year (FYs) 2005 through 2011. In FY 2012, the number of children served in the program increased to 13,625. In FY 2014, ORR served 57,496 children and in FY 2015, ORR served 33,726 children. In FY 2016, ORR served 59,170 children. Because of the rapid increase of vulnerable children entering ORR care, and the significant increases in program funding, we are conducting a series of reviews of ORR care providers across the Nation.

Southwest Key did not meet or properly document that it met certain safety standards for the care or release of some children in its custody. Additionally, we found that Southwest Key was unable to support the number of reunifications reported to ORR for FFY 2016.

Based on our UAC case file sample review results, we estimated that Southwest Key did not properly document the care or release of 38 percent of all children released to sponsors in FY 2016. Without adequate documentation in the UAC case files, ORR could not be assured that for 8,323 children, Southwest Key had followed ORR policies regarding sponsor background checks, prompt care, or that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was notified about the child's release to a sponsor. Finally, we determined that some Southwest Key employee and volunteer files we reviewed were missing evidence of required background checks.

We recommend that Southwest Key comply with ORR regulations pertaining to (1) video monitoring in common areas, (2) sponsor and other household members background checks, (3) admission/intake assessments and medical exams, (4) discharge notifications to DHS and other stakeholders, and (5) safety and well-being follow-up calls. In addition, we recommend that Southwest Key comply with State regulations pertaining to (1) minimum bedroom space, (2) health and safety standards for shelters, and (3) employee background investigations. We also recommend that Southwest Key ensure that information reported to ORR is accurate. The report also contains other procedural recommendations for Southwest Key to operate its UAC program in accordance with Federal and State requirements.

In written comments to our draft report, Southwest Key generally concurred with most of our findings and recommendations, provided what it believed was important context to some findings, and outlined corrective actions it had taken to address the findings. Southwest Key disagreed with our findings related to background checks for sponsors and adult household members and initial intake assessments. We maintain that our findings and recommendations are valid and commend Southwest Key for taking corrective action to address the findings. We also recognize Southwest Key's efforts to ensure program compliance while supporting an extraordinary number of children under difficult operational circumstances.

19-A-06-125.01 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key review facilities' video monitoring and identify potential areas for improvement and work with ORR, if needed, to obtain the necessary video monitoring equipment.

19-A-06-125.02 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key educate staff on identifying potentially unsafe or harmful conditions, and reassess the Monthly Facility Safety Check to ensure that the check provides adequate coverage for identifying unsafe or harmful conditions.

19-A-06-125.03 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key inspect facilities to ensure that all hazardous materials are maintained in a secure location, and educate staff on the importance of keeping hazardous materials secured.

19-A-06-125.04 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key develop and implement a quality assurance procedure to ensure that expired medications are removed from inventory each month.

19-A-06-125.05 to ACF - Closed Implemented
Closed on 05/17/2024
We recommend that Southwest Key comply with ORR staffing ratios to ensure that children receive the necessary case manager and clinician services.

19-A-06-125.06 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key strengthen procedures to ensure that all fire extinguishers at the facility are inspected during the annual inspection.

19-A-06-125.07 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key ensure that all facilities with gas appliances have carbon monoxide detectors installed.

19-A-06-125.08 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key strengthen procedures to ensure staff are aware of the requirements for the contents of first aid kits and periodically check the kits to ensure compliance with Texas Minimum Standards.

19-A-06-125.09 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key strengthen procedures to ensure severe weather drills are conducted in Texas, develop and enact a plan to for conducting disaster drills at facilities in California and Arizona, and monitor these requirements on a regular basis to ensure compliance with State laws.

19-A-06-125.10 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/29/2020
We recommend that Southwest Key review bedrooms in Texas and Arizona facilities to ensure they meet the minimum space requirements and realign any bedrooms that do not meet the requirements.

19-A-06-125.11 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key develop policies and procedures to ensure consistency in the data used to compile the Annual Performance Report, and strengthen quality control procedures to ensure that the data in the UAC Portal and the effort-to-outcomes system is accurate and matches.

19-A-06-125.12 to ACF - Closed Implemented
Closed on 11/08/2023
We recommend Southwest Key strengthen existing procedures to ensure all required background checks are completed when screening sponsors, adult household members, and adult caregivers, and ensure proper documentation is maintained in the case file.

19-A-06-125.13 to ACF - Closed Implemented
Closed on 11/08/2023
We recommend Southwest Key ensure that all required SORC are conducted nationally through the DOJ NSOPW when screening sponsors, adult household members, and adult caregivers.

19-A-06-125.14 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key strengthen existing procedures to ensure all Initial Intakes Assessments, initial medical exams, and UAC assessments are completed in a timely manner.

19-A-06-125.15 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key maintain documentation to support that discharge notifications were emailed to DHS and other stakeholders.

19-A-06-125.16 to ACF - Closed Unimplemented
Closed on 03/19/2020
We recommend Southwest Key maintain documentation to support that safety and well-being follow-up calls are completed timely.

19-A-06-125.17 to ACF - Closed Implemented
Closed on 11/08/2023
We recommend Southwest Key ensure that out-of-State CPS checks are completed for employees in Arizona who resided in State(s) outside of Arizona in the past 5 years, because these checks are not conducted by the State of Arizona and should not be covered under the waiver.

19-A-06-125.18 to ACF - Open Unimplemented
Update expected on 06/04/2025
We recommend Southwest Key complete all required background checks on employees and volunteers, with results received and reviewed prior to hire, and complete all follow-up background checks timely.

19-A-06-125.19 to ACF - Closed Implemented
Closed on 11/08/2023
We recommend Southwest Key review current staff and complete CPS checks for those staff that lived outside of their current State of residence in the past 5 years, and develop policies and procedures to ensure CPS checks are conducted for potential employees in State(s) of residence for the past 5 years.

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